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Root Canals

Root Canal Treatment in Dearborn Heights

In situations when the inner portion of a tooth becomes damaged from infection or decay, root canal treatment is often necessary. The process can save a tooth from extraction, keeping it healthy and strong for years to come. Root canal treatment consists of removing the living material that is present inside a tooth and replacing it with a special medicated filling. A tooth that has received root canal treatment will retain its original structure and integrity while having its function and appearance restored. Root canal infections happen when decay spreads to a tooth’s inner pulp or when the root tip or the inside of a tooth develop a bacterial infection. Some symptoms of a root canal infection include:

  • Severe tooth pain
  • Sensitivity to hot and cold foods
  • Tender and inflamed gums
  • Recurring abscess on the gums

When conducting root canal treatment, the first step is to numb the area using a local anesthetic. To prevent the infection from spreading, a rubber sheet is placed around the tooth. This also keeps the tooth dry during the procedure. Using special dental tools, the inner area of the tooth will be accessed so that all infected pulp, damaged nerve tissue and visible decay can be removed. The next step is to thoroughly clean the tooth and seal it with medicated filling material. The process ends with the patient being fitted with a temporary crown that is designed to prevent fractures. The patient will need to return for a second visit so that a permanent custom dental crown can be installed.

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If you would like to learn more about root canal treatment and how it could possibly help you save a severely damaged tooth, please contact us to set up a consultation with one of our dental health experts. You may call us to schedule an appointment.

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